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2023 Crete Creative Community Showcase

- Submissions are now CLOSED -


General Information

Welcome to our 7th Annual Community Showcase! This annual Crete Creative exhibit is an independent survey of art in Crete, IL, and surrounding communities. This exhibition is intended to provide a unique opportunity for artists of all ages and experience levels in the far south Chicago suburbs to celebrate and showcase their work within the community.


Exhibition Dates

November 24th, 2023 through January 20th, 2024



The Community Showcase will be judged by a committee of Crete Creative volunteers.


About Crete Creative

Crete Creative is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting and promoting arts education and accessibility in and around Crete, IL. Crete Creative hosts solo and group exhibits, teaches classes for all ages, organizes community art projects, and provides workspace to local artists.


The Crete Creative Community Showcase is open to all artists 16 years and older who are within a 20-mile radius of Crete, IL. The exhibition is open to everyone, established and emerging artists alike.


How to Enter

  • Please include the following in an email to to be considered:

    1. Your full name, your home address, and phone number.

    2. Photos of the art you would like for us to consider for the showcase.

      • M​ust be attached in JPEG format, no larger than 1400 x 1800 px, and under 2 MB.

      • Include the title of each piece, the medium, size, and whether the art will be for sale.


  • The following media will be accepted:

    • Two-dimensional work including painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, fiber and digital art.

      • All two-dimensional pieces must be framed and ready to hang.

    • Three-dimensional work including sculpture, ceramics, fiber, glass and metal.

    • Installation and video.

  • ​Each accepted piece will be assessed a $10 registration fee. No more than two works per artist will be accepted.

  • All work must be original. No Trademark or Intellectual Property infringing pieces will be accepted.

    • If working from photo references, they will need to originate the photo, or name the photographer as a collaborator (with permission).

  • Collaborative work is allowed if all artists are identified.

  • All work must be packed appropriately to ensure its safety during shipping and storage awaiting exhibition installation. Crete Creative is not responsible for damage due to improper packing or shipping. The artist is responsible for any shipping costs and should include a prepaid return shipping label with any work that will be shipped after the show.

  • Submitting your work for consideration does not guarantee acceptance.

Important Dates

Exhibition Announcement: October 13th, 2023

Entry Deadline: November 15th, 2023

  • Notification of acceptance: November 15th, 2023

  • Delivery of Accepted Artwork: November 16th to 18th, 2023

Opening Reception: Friday, November 24th, 2023 6 PM to 8 PM

  • Exhibition Dates: November 24th, 2023 through January 20th, 2024

  • Pick-up of Artwork: January 20th, 2024


Equipment and Instructions

You should be prepared to provide all equipment and instructions necessary to display your art in a gallery space, as needed.


Authorship and Ownership

By entering a piece of work, you represent that you are its creator and that you either own the work or have the permission of the owner to enter it for presentation. Artwork found to be in violation after acceptance may be removed or marked not for sale at the discretion of Crete Creative's Exhibit Committee. If this this the case, the $10 registration fee will not be refunded.


Loan Agreements

Artists will be required to complete a loan agreement, including the specification of insurance value, before acceptance of a work is final.

Artwork that is abandoned and not picked up by its owner within 30 days of the final exhibition date will become property of Crete Creative.


Reproductions and Publicity

By entering your work and providing images and other documentation, you agree that any images and other materials you provide may be reproduced and published in the Crete Creative promotional and press materials and distributed via the websites and social media channels. You also agree that images of your work may be reproduced in the context of the exhibition and its promotion by third parties such as journalists.


Sale of Work

All work included in the exhibition must have a value for insurance purposes even if it is not for sale. Crete Creative will receive a 20% commission on works sold during the exhibition. Works not for sale must be marked NFS.



If you don’t find your answer there, please direct questions to

Crete Creative Gallery & School

Exhibiting Addresses:

Crete Public Library District

2nd Floor

1177 Main St

Crete, IL 60417

Mailing Address:

PO BOX 182

Crete, IL 60417


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