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Crete Creative Gallery & School

Young Cheyenne Woman by Hakan Togul
Graphite and white colored pencil on paper7 1/2"x 9 1/2" NFS

You're in the Corridor by Janice Meister
Monoprint 31x37 inches $395

Wishing by Christina Cooley
"Acrylic on Canvas 20"" x 16"" (21.5"" x 17.5"" including frame)" $360

The Offering by Judy Boehner
Needle felted sculpture on wooden plaque 18" x 12" x 12" $200

Untitled by Lenehan
Oil pastel on watercolor paper NFS

Temple of Vesta - Modern Times
By Jan Glazar Digital photography 9x12 NFS

Icebergs on Spencer Glacier, Alaska by Geneva Reed
Photograph $156

Stormy Sunset at Silver Beach St. Joseph, MI
by Margaret McKerral Acrylic on 300lb cold press $750

The Gull by Windell Rebultan
Acrylic on canvas 15x24” $500
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